Hi cold creek,
Sorry to read about the run in with your folks.I'ts so sad when you think that christianity is supposed to be a loving religion unfortunatley the way the witnesses practice it, just the opposite results ensue.By coincidence the song Born Free is playing in the back ground and the words are so applicable - Born free to follow your heart,live free and beauty surounds you.The world still astounds you each time you look at a star.Stay free where no walls divide you, your'e free as the roaring tide so there's no need to hide.Born free and life is worth living but only worth living 'cause your'e born free.
Just a thought which might help the situation.If you keep in mind that one day your folks might wake up one day and realize that they have made a terrible mistake.So that you don't end up arguing each time you meet write down on a piece of paper three or four basic questions such as ' if Adam was perfect ,even though he had free will, why did he make an imperfect decision? and If the wachtower preached something as the truth, how can it, now not be the truth, because the truth is always the truth or else it wasn't the truth in the first place? Why did Rutherford build Beth Sarim and buy two cadillacs was he right or wrong? Of course the list is endless but tell your father that ,to help you ,please put the answers in writing and when you get the answer back thank him and give him another four written questions.Keep doing this for as long as you can and say to him that you don't want to get into a verbal confrontation because you love them so much.You could also use the method when the witnesses coming knocking, that way you might plant the seed of freedom.
One last thought I heard Knorr say at a convention it must have been around 1960," this might be the last convention in the old system,next time we meet like this it might be in the the new world."Some prophesy that turned out to be.
Peace be with you.